精神奕奕、笑容親切嘅思捷環球義工帶住幾箱由聖雅各福群會準備嘅手信,出發到老友記嘅屋企,送俾佢哋,又同佢哋傾下計,閒話當年。 A group of enthusiastic volunteers from Esprit bring with them packs of souvenirs prepared by St. James’ Settlement to visit elderly and chit-chat with them at their homes.
The community chest of Hong Kong encourages everyone to participate in charity events and donate money. Together we can establish a caring, loving society.
The Community Chest is an independent, non-profit making organization neither FUNDED, nor operated by the Government. The administrative cost of The Community Chest is subsidised by a generous annual grant from The Hong Kong Jockey Club and returns from our prudent investment. Therefore, the Chest reassures all donors that every dollar you donate will go straight to the needy in Hong Kong without any deduction of administrative expenses.