May 24, 2013

路德會石硤尾失明者中心 Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind

Volunteers from Puguangming Temple Limited showed their care for the needy again by visiting Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind and held a birthday party for the visually impaired. The party brought incredible joy and warmth to the participants.

Before the birthday party, social worker from the Centre demonstrated how to communicate effectively with the visually impaired.

Participants filled the party with laughter when they shared interesting stories about their lives. Good communication takes heart.

義工同視障朋友分組玩遊戲 - 義工俾提示,視障朋友以嗅覺同觸感競猜相關物品。對於視障朋友嘅敏銳感官,各個義工都大讚「犀利」!
Volunteers and the visually impaired formed teams to play this game. Tipped off by volunteers, the visually impaired took a guess challenge utilizing their senses of smell and touch. Volunteers are amazed and impressed by their partner’s strong ability!

The games brought all participants closer together.

Birthday Boys and Girls cut cake in a chorus of birthday songs.

“Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day!”