August 07, 2014

基督教香港崇真會深恩軒 Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Full Grace Service Centre

現代貨箱碼頭有限公司嘅義工來到深水埗區,同公益金會員機構  基督教香港崇真會深恩軒嘅小朋友歡渡週末。
Modern Terminals Limited volunteers spent a cheerful weekend with the kids from Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Full Grace Service Centre, a member agency of the Chest.

“Smile” is the most effective way to break the ice.

Attributed by the exciting games and enthusiastic volunteers, the kids dissolved into sounds of helpless laughter.
Volunteers and the kids made plastic bead keychain on this special and memorable day.
Thanks to the Modern Terminals Limited volunteers – the kids’ backpacks were filled up with gifts, joy and happy memories!