Ensign Freight Limited joined the members from The Jockey Club Hong Chi Sun Chui Workshop for mural painting. The volunteers and members spent a good time spreading colors and sharing laughter in the workshop.
義工先用顏料沿住方格畫線,再同學員一齊逐格填色,真係好細心~ The attentive volunteers use acrylic paints to outline the patterns for members. |
黃色同橙色都係令人開心嘅暖色系,配上學員同義工嘅醒神笑容就更夾! The warm and cheerful yellow and orange colours are the true reflections of the big smiles on everyone’s face. |
牆上漸漸開出七彩繽紛嘅花,學員同義工愈油愈起勁啊! Blooming flowers on the wall brought huge satisfaction to the members and volunteers. |
「你覺得牆畫上嘅花可愛啲定我可愛啲?」 遇著搗蛋學員問起嘅難題,義工都話好難選擇呢! “Which one is lovelier? The mural or me?” What a tricky question for the volunteer. |
多謝旗鋒貨運有限公司嘅義工協助,學員完成整幅牆畫後工場內唔止傳來歡笑聲,仲充滿生機,大家都話好鍾意! Thanks to Ensign Freight Limited volunteers – the wall painting was finished with joy and laughter! |