December 03, 2014

賽馬會匡智新翠工場 The Jockey Club Hong Chi Sun Chui Workshop

Volunteers from A S Watson Group visited The Jockey Club Hong Chi Sun Chui Workshop twice within weeks. They teamed up with members for mural painting and brought incredible joy and warmth to the workshop!

屈臣氏集團嘅義工組隊嚟到新翠工場幫手,學員都熱情歡迎~ 睇見大家手勢一致就知道會非常合拍啦!
Members greeted the volunteers from A S Watson Group with big smiles. These two certainly told you they have established team rapport from the very beginning.

Ice breaking games not only helped them know more about each other, it was also a good way to strengthen their collaboration.

Painting is great fun. It also helps express peoples’ inner world.

After discussion, it’s decided that mosaics will be used in the mural painting to rebrand the workshop!

Mission completed! With the help and guidance of A S Watson Group volunteers, members were able to decorate their workplace in style. Everyone was satisfied with the masterpiece!