January 17, 2013


呢一日,來自香港寶潔有限公司嘅義工化身聖誕老人,嚟到公益金會員機構 - 香港路德會社會服務處轄下嘅路德會茜草灣長者中心,為老友記舉辦咗一個溫馨又熱鬧嘅聖誕Party

Volunteers from Procter & Gamble Hong Kong Ltd dressed up as Santa Clauses to hold a warm and cheerful Christmas Party for the senior at Sai Cho Wan Lutheran Centre for the Elderly run by the Community Chest member agency, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod.

Volunteers and the seniors got on like a house on fire at the very beginning.

Utilizing all their limbs, the elderly won physical challenges of the games one by one.

The party was pushed to a climax with the volunteers and elderly singing the Christmas Carol together.