December 22, 2014

循道衛理觀塘社會服務處 藍田樂齡中心 Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Lam Tin Elderly Centre

一個晴朗嘅週末,長者們個個滿心歡喜,笑容好比燦爛嘅陽光!原來微軟香港有限公司嘅一班愛心義工, 喺循道衛理觀塘社會服務處藍田樂齡中心協助下,上門探訪各位老友記!
Volunteers from Microsoft Hong Kong Limited brought joy into Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service Lam Tin Elderly Centre and the elderly’s home. Bright smiles bloomed on the faces of the elderly when they saw the special guests!

Volunteers from Microsoft Hong Kong Limited – together with the smart kid helpers – arrived Lam Tin Elderly Centre and prepared for home visit!

“Attention!” Souvenirs were all packed and ready for delivery to the elderly’s home.

Let’s go! The smart and energetic volunteers from Microsoft all looked forward to bringing positive energy to the elderly.

The volunteers were not only “Santa” bearing gifts, but also opened the “chatterbox” with the elderly.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Volunteers spent a meaningful day with the seniors during home visit!